What is the meaning of the commonly used liver diseases that leads to cirrhosis?

When disease damages your liver, it does not function normally.

The medical term is listed on the left column and the explanation is given on the right column.

Viral Hepatitis: Hepatitis B or C
My liver is damaged by some viruses that damage the liver
Alcoholic Hepatitis
My liver is damaged by drinking alcohol in excess
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis [N.A.S.H.]
My liver is damaged by fat deposition in the liver
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis [P.B.C.]
My liver is damaged by my own body producing antibodies against some type of liver cells
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis [P.S.C.]
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
My liver has a deficiency in an enzyme that leads to liver damage
Drug-induced Hepatitis
My liver is damaged by drugs taken for other medical illness
Budd Chiari Syndrome
My liver is damaged by clotting of blood in the blood vessels of the liver
Congenital Fibrotic Disease

Cryptogenic Cirrhosis
My liver is damaged, but the cause of the damage is not clear by currently available tests
My liver is damaged by excessive deposit of iron in the liver cells.
Polycystic Liver Disease
My liver is damaged by the formation of cysts in the liver
Wilson’s Disease
My liver is damaged by excessive deposit of copper in the liver cells.

In addition to liver failure, these diseases may also increase the risk of liver cancer.

Patients also develop sudden liver failure with unknown causes called acute or subacute or fulminant liver failure.


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